BM Certification


BM Certificationilla olemme ylpeitä saadessamme kansainvälisesti tunnustettuja akkreditointeja, jotka osoittavat sitoutumisemme laatuun, eheyteen ja erinomaisuuteen. Nämä akkreditoinnit varmistavat, että sertifiointipalvelumme vastaavat korkeimpia maailmanlaajuisia standardeja ja luovat asiakkaillemme luottamusta saavutuksiinsa.




United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKCA)

> Certificate of Accreditation

> Scope

Accreditation in accordance with International Standard ISO/IEC 17065:2012 Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services


Latvian National Accreditation Bureau (LATAK)

> Certificate of Accreditation (with scope)

Accreditation in accordance to the requirements of the Standard LVS EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013 and is competent to perform product certification




Latvian National Accreditation Bureau (LATAK)

> Certificate of Accreditation (with scope)

Accreditation in accordance to the requirements of the standard Standards LVS EN ISO/IEC 17029:2020 and LVS EN ISO 14065:2022 and is competent to perform verification.



Latvian National Accreditation Bureau (LATAK)

> Certificate of Accreditation (with scope)

Accreditation in accordance to the requirements of the standard LVS EN ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 and is competent to perform certification of management systems




FSSC 22000


> Learn more

FSSC 22000 Category V6
CI Processing of perishable animal products Accredited
CII Processing of perishable plant-based products Accredited
CIII Processing of perishable animal and plant products (mixed products) Accredited
CIV Processing of ambient stable products Accredited
FI Retail / Wholesale Accredited
BIII Pre-process handling of plant products Accredited
C0 Animal – Primary conversion Accredited
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Millä standardilla haluat sertifioida yrityksen?

Laatu, työterveys ja ympäristö
Elintarvike- turvallisuusjärjestelmät
Toimitusketjun sertifiointi
Rakennustuotteiden sertifiointi
Kestävä kehitys

Kuvaile, mitä yritys tekee ja mitkä prosessit ja / tai tuotteet / palvelut haluat sertifioida.


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